January Multi-Estate at The Legacy Center

January Multi-Estate at The Legacy Center

ALL SALES ARE FINAL.  |  Credit card payment only. (with the exception of titled vehicles and purchases of $5,000 and over which require payment by cash, certified check, money order or wire transfer.) | $1.00 Preauthorization charge applies.
15% Buyers premium applies. 6% Sales Tax applies to items sold from the Legacy Center (some exclusions apply).
NOTE: INSPECTION OF ITEMS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  |  Please note:  all our online auctions have a staggered closing.

If your purchases are tax-exempt: please submit a copy of your Certification of Registration Sales Tax License to onlineauctions@hurleyauctions.com. Please ensure that you include your first and last name and your company name.


Here is your chance to get a piece of local History from Sunnyway Grocery Store - See lots 1001-1008, 1376-1397, 1445-1456, 1530-1534, & 1712-1719!

VEHICLES: 2013 IC Corp bus; 2002 Toyota Camry LE; 2004 Ford F250XL truck;

FIREARMS: Rifles including: Savage, New England, Marlin, H&R, Ruger, Remington, Glenfield; 1908 Savage Arms .22 magazine; 

FURNITURE: Howard Miller tallcase clock; tiger maple bed; maple BR set; poster bed; Victorian chests of drawers & washstand; Sheraton fancy chairs; Sumter desk & end stands; convertible clothes tree/garment rack; MCM dining chairs; round oak tables; oak cabinets; nested stands; bamboo chair; drop leaf work stand; iron/brass bed; plank bottom chairs, cedar chests; wicker bed & fernery; lawn chairs/tables;

STERLING: large selection of sterling including: flatware sets(Wallace "Le Reine", Towle "Contour"; serving utensils; hollow ware and candelabra; mezuzah case;

TOYS: vintage Schuco car collection in original boxes; wind-up & battery op toys; toy cars & airplanes; cast iron horse drawn wagons; Grove crane models; airplane models; Danbury & Franklin Mint car/truck models; Lionel train set; Hafner wind-up train set; Fire Chief pedal car; Kellogg's race cars; Hess trucks; Matchbox trucks; Wolverine toy kitchen;

ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES: antique cash registers and scales from Sunnyway; Enterprise countertop coffee grinder; pocket scale; cider press; cast iron cookware; art glass vases; Depression glass; Steuben bowl; milk glass; antique china; Lefton holly; Virginia Rose; Hummel figurines; liquor decanters; yellow ware bowl; soda bottles; pocket watches; costume jewelry; Western belt buckles; pipes; auto banks; Waynesboro souvenir plates; oil lamps; trumpet; early Southern Hemisphere map; History of Franklin County; antique sampler; 1980 Moscow Olympics poster; prints & paintings; tambour desk cabinet; Pella Doors lighted display; oak wall telephone; RR padlock; primitives; "Little Sprout" alarm clocks & lamps; marionette; dolls; Barbie case & dolls; tricycles; comic books; derringer cigarette lighter; oyster tins; Hudson's Bay Point blanket; Vera & Longaberger purses; Hallmark ornaments; floor lamps; snow sleds; misc collectibles;

HOUSEHOLD: Maytag dryer; commercial food warmer; stockpots; electric roasters; Kenmore sewing machine; Samsung & Sony TVs; trail cam; Epson printer; Sentry safe box; kerosene heater; kitchenware; Cutco knives; seashells; books; scooter; Christmas yard decor;

SHOP EQUIPMENT/TOOLS: Ryobi band saw; table saws; planer; drill press; Snap-On creeper & ratchet wrench; Craftsman tool cabinet; power & hand tools; toolboxes; vise; floor jacks; ladders; & MORE!

The Legacy Center, 2800 Buchanan Trail E, Greencastle, Pennsylvania 17225
Preview Starts and Ends

Pickup BY APPOINTMENT ONLY will be on Tuesday, February 11th from 10:00AM to 6:00PM 

Closed on