223 North Main Street, Mercersburg, PA 17236

ALL SALES ARE FINAL. | Credit card payment only. (with the exception of titled vehicles and purchases of $5,000 and over which require payment by cash, certified check, money order or wire transfer.) | $1.00 Preauthorization charge applies.
15% Buyers premium applies.
NOTE: INSPECTION OF ITEMS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. | Please note: all our online auctions have a staggered closing.
This home is smoke free, but not pet free.
FIREARMS: Iver Johnson model 50 pistol; Volunteer 410 rifle;
FURNITURE: Schoolmaster's desk; narrow Victorian corner cupboard; Victorian wardrobe; pump organ; organ stool; slant top desk; Rococo Revival side chairs; Arts & Crafts china closet; Renaissance Revival parlor table; drop leaf table; oak dining table/chairs; kitchen cabinet; chifforobe; cedar chest & wardrobe; dresser; open washstand; chairs; rockers; shelf units;
ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES: cast iron skillets; butter churn; antique china; 1803 Germantown German Bible; grain cradle; sleigh bells; Navy uniform; manual typewriter; paper dolls; cranberry hanging lamp; Lincoln & Washington prints; prints & mirrors; garden gate;
HOUSEHOLD: Whirlpool refrigerator; small appliances; kitchenware; computers; exercise equipment; circuit breaker; kerosene heater; ladders; appliance dolly; shop vacs; work boots sz: 10.5W; vises; Craftsman tool set; hand & power tools; garden tools; mower; tiller; snow thrower; chipper/shredder; & more
Pickup BY APPOINTMENT ONLY will be on February 7th from 1pm to 6pm.